The Customer Privacy Paradox

I wrote a new guide and it’s available for download on Sitecore’s website. ‘The Customer Privacy Paradox’ explores forces impacting customer data strategy and the measurable business benefits associated with getting this strategy right.

Each day we experience the benefits of finely tuned personalized digital experiences. At the same time, we’re also becoming more aware of how brands leverage personal data. This awareness leads the modern customer to hesitate before sharing personal data, while simultaneously expecting brands to continue offering personalized digital experiences. Yet, the fuel that powers engaging personalization is unified customer data, leaving marketers caught in the middle. Digital strategists and technologists are also stressed under increasing pressure to deliver relevant offers and content to their customers, in the moment of need and on the customer’s preferred channel.

Let’s discuss the forces impacting customer data strategy and measurable business benefits associated with getting this strategy right. This guide addresses the following topics:

  • I. Heightened expectations of modern customers
  • II. Evolving privacy regulations and first-party data
  • III. The business value of digitally mature customer data programs, including a simple framework to organize the projected benefits of your customer data program investments